Accessibility, the “A” in DEIA, is a foundation on which the federal workforce must build diversity, equity and inclusion for people with disabilities. Without accessibility, we cannot truly achieve the others.
This guide is designed to support Federal Agencies with implementation of President Biden’s Executive Order (14035) and subsequent Government-wide Strategic Plan to Advance Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce. More specifically, this guidance can help agencies implement elements of the Accessibility Roadmap outlined in the Government-wide DEIA Strategic Plan.
Agencies must consistently design, construct, develop, and maintain facilities, technology, programs, and services from the onset so that all people, including people with disabilities, can fully and independently use them. This requires the federal government’s commitment to accessibility, including proactive engagement with users and efforts to modernize infrastructures to support the rapid adoption of technological innovations. To meet this mandate, it requires all of us – public servants at all levels of every agency – to contribute to the advancement of DEIA in the federal workforce.
To support this work, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), in consultation with the General Services Administration (GSA), U.S. Access Board, and the Chief Information Officers Council (CIOC), will review existing accessibility guidance and best practices and make necessary updates to help agencies build and sustain an accessible federal technology environment. The guidance contained in this article, produced by GSA’s Government-wide IT Accessibility Program, is a preliminary step before offering broader updates to guidance and best practices materials to meet this objective. This guidance also focuses solely on Information Technology (IT) or Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Accessibility. For additional guidance on accessibility of physical facilities, refer to GSA’s guidance on Accessible Facility Design and the U.S. Access Board’s Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards.
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USC §794d) requires agencies to ensure that the ICT they develop, purchase, maintain or use is accessible to people with disabilities. For various types of ICT, the Section 508 Standards (36 CFR 1194) specify the criteria that ICT must satisfy to be considered accessible under the Section 508 law.
To help agencies institute the programs, policies, and management practices necessary to satisfy the requirements of Section 508, we have developed two principle resources:
The remainder of this article provides references to more detailed information that is essential for the implementation of elements of the DEIA Strategic Plan’s Accessibility Roadmap.
As required by the DEIA Accessibility Roadmap, the federal government must proactively, and consistently design, construct, develop, and maintain facilities, technology, programs, and services so that all people, including people with disabilities, can fully and independently use them.
Many information and communications technology accessibility standards and best practices were established, and have been continually improved over the last two decades. Agencies have many resources currently available to them when seeking to educate their workforce, and integrate IT accessibility into existing and new ways of doing business. Support is available from this website and the GSA Government-wide IT Accessibility team, agency Section 508 Program Managers and agency intranets, and the Accessibility Community of Practice.
For agencies to “Buy. Build. Be Accessible.”, everyone must understand their role and responsibility to make the Federal Government “a model for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, where all employees are treated with dignity and respect.” (EO 14035).
Below are resources aligned with the DEIA Strategic Plan by role:
Mature agencies demonstrate the ability to educate and train the workforce regarding individual responsibilities. They also measure and monitor conformance to policies and actual compliance levels, and they use data to drive decision making to improve the effectiveness of their overall Section 508 program.
All ICT procured, developed, maintained, or used by Federal agencies must be accessible. ICT includes software, hardware, electronic content, support documentation, and services. Contracting professionals are the first in a series of individuals who must confirm that accessibility is considered to ensure equal access to all, and avoid risk and cost associated with non-conformance.
The development and deployment phase of any IT product is shared by teams of individuals, each with their own roles and responsibilities. Collectively, they should work as a team to regularly assess their product against accessibility standards to support equitable access and to remove potential barriers, and that it is conformant with the Revised Section 508 Standards before deployment.
Agency Section 508 programs are designed to provide enterprise-wide awareness, guidance, training and technical assistance. However, they are unable to simply make something accessible after it’s been created. Content creators have access to training and tools that allow them to produce accessible information and digital services that anyone can access and use.
In response to a global health epidemic, how agencies gather, collaborate, discuss, share, and learn has changed from largely in-person meetings and conference calls to virtual meetings where the audience participates remotely through voice and video from their homes. As federal employees return to their offices, meetings are expected to be a hybrid of in-person and remote participants. Accessibility can and should be seamlessly integrated into these hybrid meetings.
Reviewed/Updated: December 20, 2021