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Zenyth’s Webflow Accessible Development Packages

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, having an accessible, user-friendly, and visually stunning website is crucial.
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Images of Text and Modern CSS

In this article I talk about the (in my opinion) underexplored criterion of Images of Text and how it affects web accessibility
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Design vs. accessibility and the CSS visually-hidden class

We look using the CSS visually-hidden utility class to make elements available to users of assistive technologies without impacting design.
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Understanding HTML landmarks and how to apply them

We demystify HTML landmarks, discuss the nuances of different types, and show how to use them to help screen reader users navigate a site.
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The devil is in the details: a look into a disclosure widget markup

A discussion about the pros and cons of the two different main markup variants of a disclosure widget
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Navigating the Maze of ARIA Menu Roles: A Comprehensive Guide

While ARIA has many roles and attributes that can make a website more accessible, it's crucial to understand when and how to use them appropriately...
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The Great Debate: Semantic HTML vs. Custom "Div Soup" Components for Accessibility

The debate between using semantic HTML and custom components often referred to as "div soup," is a hot topic...
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Decoding the Target Size Maze: A Deep Dive into WCAG 2.2 Success Criteria

Today, we're dissecting two Success Criteria that deal with target size: Target Size (Minimum) and Target Size (Enhanced). Buckle up; it's going to...
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The Three Musketeers of Accessibility: Captions, Dialogue-Only Transcripts, and Descriptive Transcripts

While they may seem similar, each serves a unique purpose and offers different levels of accessibility. Let's dive in to understand these better...
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