Zenyth's Agency Packages: Customized Accessibility Solutions for Every Business Need

May 8, 2024

At Zenyth, we understand the importance of creating a digital space that's inclusive and accessible to all users. With our diverse range of Audit & Fix packages, tailored to meet different needs and budgets, we provide businesses the opportunity to enhance their website's accessibility in line with WCAG 2.2 level AA standards. Here’s why our agency packages are beneficial for any project looking to improve digital accessibility.

Tailored to Your Needs

Zenyth offers a variety of packages to suit different stages of your accessibility journey:

  • Bronze ($2,850): Ideal for businesses just starting out, this package includes Axe Error fixes, a single Training Academy license, and essential resources like an Accessibility Statement and a WCAG 2.2 Level AA Checklist.
  • Silver ($4,275): Step up with broader error detection and fixes, including both Axe and WAVE audits. This package comes with two Training Academy licenses and additional support materials.
  • Gold ($6,175): Our most popular option, it includes manual audits for keyboard accessibility and three Training Academy licenses, providing a solid foundation for inclusivity.
  • Sapphire ($7,600): This package offers comprehensive compliance audits and ongoing monitoring to ensure consistent adherence to accessibility standards. It also includes five Training Academy licenses.
  • Diamond (Contact Us): For the ultimate in accessibility compliance, this premium option offers personalized support, detailed training, and exclusive oversight services, ensuring full WCAG 2.2 Level AA conformance.

Empowering Your Team

Each package not only addresses specific technical issues but also empowers your team. By providing Training Academy licenses, developer instructions, and content creation guides, we equip your staff with the knowledge and tools they need to continue promoting accessibility.

Beyond Fixing Errors

Zenyth’s approach goes beyond just fixing errors; we focus on fostering an environment that champions inclusivity. With every package, you receive comprehensive support materials and guidelines that help your team maintain and build on the accessibility standards established.

Continuous Support and Compliance Monitoring

For businesses that choose our higher-tier packages, Zenyth offers ongoing compliance monitoring and a dedicated Zenyth Badge of accessibility excellence. This continuous support ensures that your website remains compliant with accessibility standards and adapts to any new requirements or updates in WCAG standards.

Why Zenyth Is the Best Partner in Your Accessibility Journey

Partnering with Zenyth means more than just achieving technical compliance. It means embracing a philosophy that values accessibility as a cornerstone of user experience. Our packages are designed not just to meet legal standards but to enhance the interaction for all users, demonstrating a commitment to inclusivity that can significantly broaden your website’s appeal and reach.

By selecting Zenyth, you choose a partner dedicated to creating an accessible digital world, one project at a time. Let’s work together to make your digital presence as inclusive as it is innovative. Get started with one of our tailored packages today and step into a world where everyone is invited.

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